
Name Date Type Category Edit
July 11, 2010 July 11, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Form and Formless Plains June 27, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
9 Levels Of Meditation June 20, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
What You Might Actually Be Aspiring For June 13, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
June_6_2010 June 6, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Class 4: Building Up The Courage To Love May 26, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Class 3: Implementing What Will Work May 19, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Class 2: Avoiding Implementing What Won't Work April 28, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Class 1: Introduction April 21, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Feb_21_2010 Feb. 21, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Feb_21_2010 Feb. 21, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Feb_14_2010 Feb. 14, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Feb_14_2010 Feb. 14, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Feb_7_2010 Feb. 7, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Feb_7_2010 Feb. 7, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Ending War In Our Lifetime Part 2 Feb. 4, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Ending War In Our Lifetime Part 1 Feb. 4, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Jan_31_2010 Jan. 31, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Jan_31_2010 Jan. 31, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Jan_24_2010 Jan. 24, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Jan_17_2010 Jan. 17, 2010 audio/mpeg General Edit
Dec_13_2009 Dec. 13, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
Oct_25_2009 Oct. 25, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
Oct_11_2009 Oct. 11, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
Sep_27_2009 Sept. 27, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
Sep_13_2009 Sept. 13, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
Sep_6_2009 Sept. 6, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
Aug_9_2009 Aug. 9, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
Aug 9th 2009 Aug. 9, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
The_Pusuit_of_Happiness July 12, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
July_12_2009 July 12, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
intro_2009_07_05 July 5, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
intro_2009_06_21 June 21, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
Verses 17-18 June 14, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
intro_2009_05_17 May 17, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
intro_2009_05_10 May 10, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
Logical > Illogical > Alogical April 5, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
Verses 15-16 April 5, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
Buddha Interacting with Sentient Beings Feb. 22, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
The 6th Bhumi Jan. 25, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
Sep_13_2009 Jan. 11, 2009 audio/mpeg General Edit
Ten_Bhumis 12_14_08 Dec. 14, 2008 audio/mpeg General Edit
Preliminaries/_talk_on_two_kinds_of_distractions July 20, 2005 audio/mpeg General Edit